Thicker than Blood (1.12)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the first season

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#31 Post by MaiTaiMan »

Interesting...I wonder if some of the actors didn't care which finger/hand the ring was on and chose whichever one felt the most comfortable?

Oh well...I would LOVE to get a "Magnum" ring for myself! :wink: They are available, but most are expensive!! :o Maybe someday. :)
"It was more ironic than a Robin Masters novel--she thought he was dead, he thought she was dead...and only the chauffeur knew the truth! He should have been the butler!" "Lest We Forget"

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#32 Post by Visiting Stewardess »

Agatha on page 2 wrote:
This is one of my ALL TIME favorites! I hear you about Sarah and about the Coast Guard not searching confiscated helicopters but…for me…this episode is all about giving me a chance to get better acquainted with TC.
(...) This is the single most obvious indication so far that Higgins is beginning to have some respect Thomas and, I think, is one of the first times that it’s transparent enough for Thomas to recognize.

Nice! VERY nice!

I sign that from the first word right through to the last!!!! Yes!!! Yes!! Yes!
I would have written all that, if Agatha hadn't written it before me. Got a 9.5 from me.

Love the "proper" Magnum theme tune. And I was curious all through the episode how they would turn the story so Magnum can stay. Nice solution!

Just one thing I have noticed which no-one else has mentioned yet (I think):
The name on the ship in the opening scene is clearly "Budapest". Yet later Magnum says it's the "Evelyn H"...

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#33 Post by Magnum T. »

Visiting Stewardess wrote: Just one thing I have noticed which no-one else has mentioned yet (I think):
The name on the ship in the opening scene is clearly "Budapest". Yet later Magnum says it's the "Evelyn H"...
Well, clearly I wouldn't say so (the scene is very dark :lol: ) but I checked and you are right, Hawkeye.
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#34 Post by Visiting Stewardess »

Magnum T. wrote: Well, clearly I wouldn't say so (the scene is very dark :lol: ) but I checked and you are right, Hawkeye.

Now this was funny... M*A*S*H is another one of my TV obsessions and there's a character called "Hawkeye". For a moment I thought, what the h...?

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#35 Post by Magnum T. »

Funny indeed!
Didn't know about that character.
I think I haven't seen more than two or three episodes of M*A*S*H in all my life.
I don't know why, maybe I didn't understand that kind of humor when I was a child.
A couple of years ago I saw the movie and found it funny.
Maybe I could appreciate the series now.

Edit: I just remembered there is a short tv-series called "Hawkeye", starring Lynda Carter.
Never seen it (probably never broadcasted here in Italy), I have been waiting for years a R2 (UK) release.
Looks like I'll have to buy the US release.

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#36 Post by Styles Bitchley »

Magnum T. wrote:I don't know why, maybe I didn't understand that kind of humor when I was a child.
I didn't get it as a kid either, but revisited it as an adult and loved it. Could it have been the first genre bending "dramedy" tv series?
"How fiendishly deceptive of you Magnum. I could have sworn I was hearing the emasculation of a large rodent."

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#37 Post by Magnum T. »

I don't know if THE first, among the first for sure.
As I said I liked the movie and I would like to give a try to the series.
But it was a long one (I believe 11 seasons or so = expensive) and there are so many shows on the waiting list that come first.
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#38 Post by Visiting Stewardess »

I have started a MASH thread to avoid getting too OT here... ;-)

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#39 Post by Seaver41 »

another brick in that Magnuym/Higgins foundation laid...............really cool to see. When Higgins sees the conviction in Magnum's eye in the darkroom.......he realizes a bit late this is a huge issue to Magnum. Slowly the respect is growing for his integrity.

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#40 Post by Seaver41 »

if not for the underlying theme of friends never giving up on friends......this one was pretty weak in writing. The funniest part to me was seeing Rick dodge Magnum and TC tussling in the hangar..........he had to be agile to avoid those combatants.

The whole Joey character was a poor effort to set up.........needed flashbacks to show he was capable at some time in his life. I can't get past the drugs in the floor board and never being discovered. Now I get it that the show asks you to extend your imagination with thr supernatural and afterlife here and there, but this was just an insult to one's basic intelligence. Definitely one I will skip in future.

There was some redeeming value upon further thought. This gave great insight into TC........and by that I mean it really shows you how he does not spout affection and that he masks his by yelling and ranting. The tough guy thing helps me understand him more now in "Infinity and jelly Doughnuts" in the that warehouse scene. The show isn't about TC, it's called Magnum we never got to see how TC came to showing up at that warehouse

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#41 Post by Sisophous »

burny wrote:i just watched this ep again - i feel like i missed something - why is TC so very hostile to Rick and TM for trying to help? - like over the top hostile. i can understand how he would not want to implicate them in what he considers to be his problem and his decisions, but why is he so hostile about it instead of just explaining and saying "its my problem" ? ....just seems awkward and "out of nowhere to me.....
It's called bad acting. It could be the director wanted TC to be hostile and it called for it in the script. I think the intended effect was to show TC as losing it and not thinking rationally. He did the same hostile, irrational act toward the group of kids who were at his Helicopter hanger and at one point breaks down in this episode.

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#42 Post by Agatha »

I think he's kicking himself for allowing Joey (and the drug dealer) to "sucker" him in to throwing away the life that he's built for himself.

I don't know about you, but I very rarely punish ME when I'm really mad at ME! I'm very much more likely to look for somebody else...ANYBODY else...that I can blame.


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#43 Post by Reef monkey »

I have always wondered why they decided to change intro theme music in this episode, theater than waiting until the beginning of the second season? Definitely an improvement. The old theme was too 70s, like Charlie's Angels or Vega$.

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#44 Post by Braddah Kimo »

There is much shooting day for night in this ep.
Glad I never see (hear) more of Sarah. I can not stand her voice. Nor can I handle TM obediently following her reprimandingly school-marmishly delivered orders to create some absurd recipe. What is he. a man or a mouse. Who cares. No one's watching. Shut it off and drink a Poops.
"tearing-down-the-fourth-wall" block that metaphor. I mean explode that metaphor. It is 'break the fourth wall'.

Mac and TM's scenes were fun to watch. Barkeep has got two big fluffy fake lei on. This is never done. It would get in the way of work, it would be too hot and besides, he wears them as a malihini would. Tight up against the back of the neck. No local does that.

"that's a location which would likely be impossible to find any other way." I would think Google earth is another way. Or ask someone who lives on 'Oahu.
The darkroom drama was pretty intense.
Joey hitched a ride in a North Shore braddah's pick up truck. It has a vintage yellow decal on the back window which reads "Chicken Fighters Of Hawaii" and depicts two cartoon roosters squaring off boxing style.
TM at the dock. Goes over to a prop payphone which is obviously a cheap flimsy prop that needed more base. It wobbles to and fro even before TM gets near and touches it! Real payphones are firmly affixed to the asphalt or concrete of course, and would never have any degree of wobble, especially at the slightest move by someone a couple feet away.
Sentencing and public auction of TC's helo the same day? Within two weeks' time?! Public auction would never happen that immediately. Any vehicle, aircraft or vessel would be logged and inventoried and stored for accumulative inventory auction at a much later date. NO aspect of the government works anywhere that fast. Especially in Hawai'i!
That was too wacky; TM immediately joining up with the stevedores and immediately blending in. I suppose we are to assume he made the rounds and introduced himself. But it's unrealistic... everyone knows everyone and everyone has one position, there are no extra hands, and someone who runs forklifts into 55 gallon drums would immediately be excused post haste from the docks. besides, the supervisor would say whodahell you, hah?!
The slow b.g. music inexplicably pauses and then suddenly picks up speed on a fast run to nowhere during the scene when TM casually looks around the engine room and passageways. " some deck hand died and was buried at sea. nothing unusual in that, it happens all the time!" oh, really? all... the time. hmmm. On what ship? ground that vessel immediately and quarantine it!
I like the scene the stevedores vs the deckhands. And TM looks on disaffectedly for a bit... and the bad guy topside leasurely puffs on a cig, also watching the hockey match...
Another inexplicable moment. TC is surrounded by a buncha kids in his warehouse. I thought he ran a helicopter tour company. Not a Montessori. he yells at da kids just get out! Then hollers a bunch of indecipherable weird gobbledy gook! "You snow one fuh no money or nuthin' like that, man. Hilter's fun..." Looks like the Paradise Found/ Diamond Head Sportswear overall Orchid print shirt on TM there.

Continuity error: TM wears khaki topsiders throughout the ep. And during the fight with TC. But they forgot to inform his stunt double, for in the long shots of the fight scene, his stuntie wears dark shoes. Wardrobe was asleep at the wheel.

Our boys in the ferrari go look for Joey at some decrepit apartments next to the Blu Shell Hotel Apartments in Waikiki.
last scene, TM's realization when he says 'well I'll be damned' is quite a bit reduced in effect as at that moment he also is busy putting on a bignose glasses gag thing and then turns 180 degrees to look directly at the camera. hmmmm.

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Re: Thicker than Blood (1.12)

#45 Post by SignGuyHPW »

I really enjoyed this one. It did a lot to build and establish TC's character. I totally agree with those that thought the drugs not being found by the authorities was far fetched, but I can buy that they found them and then put them back for the sting operation. The woman on the recording was kind of indifferent for me. It didn't really do anything for the plot of this show nor was I really turned off from the episode over it. The thing that really bugged me was that Joey showed his arms to have no new tracks on them as well as showing his eyes yet they were telling him that Joey was never clean and just used eye drops. If that's so then how'd he only have old tracks?

I think the fight between TC and Magnum was a great scene. Rick getting them to stop so TC could come to the phone was gold. I thought TC being so openly hostile as a way to try to keep his friends out of being co-conspirators was really good. TC didn't really want them to not help so much as he wanted them to not get caught in his trouble.

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