Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?


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ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan)
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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#271 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

Pahonu wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Hookman is another classic H5O episode. I never got into Columbo or Mannix and I’ve seen several. I’m a big fan of The Streets of San Francisco. I think Karl Malden was a great actor, better than Lord in my opinion. He was very well respected by many in the industry and served as the president of SAG. I also think he developed a great chemistry with Michael Douglas on the show. So much so that when Douglas left, the ratings almost immediately dropped. I don’t think Lord and MacArthur ever developed that kind of on-screen chemistry.

I would also say The Streets of San Francisco was more consistent than Hawaii Five-O. It wasn’t until the second to last episode of the series that I really felt an episode was weak. Granted, H5-O ran much longer, but it has some real duds. I mean shows I can’t even watch anymore. I can’t say that about TSoSF. I’ve watched the whole series through several times. It even has appearances by Selleck, Mosley, and Manetti. :D No Hillerman but he was in H5-O and Mannix.
I'll have to disagree on Malden being a stronger actor than Lord. It's true that he was a bigger name in motion pictures whereas Lord was mostly relegated to the small screen. Malden was in more prestigious pictures (On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, winning an Oscar for the latter) but in my mind that doesn't make him a stronger actor. I don't remember a single moment in his performances where he really grabbed me. He was just a dependable character actor, in support of the star. And when speaking about his Mike Stone character in SOSF in particular there was nothing there that really grabbed me. He was likable but that's about it. I can't recall a single scene in all the episodes where I went "WOW!" whereas with Lord there were plenty such moments and I really don't believe I'm being biased at all. Malden was just fine but he didn't have that fire in the belly. When he threatened a perp it was more laughable than intimidating. He just looked comical with that bulb nose of his and hard to take seriously. Compare to someone like Lord or Savalas as Kojak. I mean those guys meant business and made your hair stand on edge. I like SOSF more than KOJAK but as a leading man give me Telly any day over Malden. Also his chemistry with Douglas - it was good, nothing phenomenal. They played well off each other and were certainly more equals than McGarrett and Danno so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. There was a different dynamic there. Also I'm not ready to say that Douglas on the show was a better actor than JMac on Five-O. I can't think of my favorite Douglas performance on the show but with JMac I immediately jump to "Pig in a Blanket" where he was phenomenal in his despair over losing his best friend, a cop, and then shooting an unarmed teen. Compare with a similar episode on SOSF where Keller shoots an unarmed kid and it's just not the same. I didn't feel his despair like I felt Danno's. Also all those "buddy boy's" and all those cutesy cheesy epilogs at the end, sorry but I'd rather go with the McGarreett and his team dynamic. Even in the 70s those things must have sounded really cheesy. Definitely a better writer was needed for those scenes. Compare with the hard-hitting endings on Five-O that often left the viewer shocked and in a trance - that's what I'm talking about!

I know it looks like I'm piling on SOSF but honestly I love the show. :D MANNIX too, but I love SOSF more. CANNON is one I've never really watched. But my point is that the stars of these shows, while perfectly fine, don't have what Lord had in his performance. Actually Mike Connors as Mannix came the closest because he could be tough-as-nails when called for and could really let his fists fly at times (of course he also got clobbered over the head more than any TV detective in the history of TV crime dramas LOL). Connors had that old school hard-boiled edge to him, a throw-back to those 40s detectives who didn't take crap from anyone. So he was compelling to watch too. But again, he was no McGarrett and I can't think of a moment where he made me jump the way Lord did. And speaking of FIVE-O episodes being unwatchable you really have to go all the way to season 12 for that. Even 10 and 11 had some very strong episodes (though 10 did have the hideous "Tread the King's Shadow"). But again, we're comparing a show that ran 12 seasons with one that ran 5. FIVE-O definitely jumped the shark whereas SOSF did not (though all will agree that season 5 was a definite drop from the previous 4 seasons and not just because Douglas left) but overall FIVE-O is the superior product. Let's not forget the music - both the main theme and the episodic scores, can't beat FIVE-O on that one! And the locale - Hawaii beats San Fran hands down!
Good points but I think it may be a matter of acting style preference. My favorite actor of all time is James Garner followed pretty closely by David Janssen. Both were very low key actors. Usually it was their reactions to people and events that were so good, not some big acting moment. I suppose I’m not a big fan of actors who chew up the scenery. Those big scenes often distract me from the moment. I start thinking how they’re acting and it’s a disruption, to me at least. I’m not saying that Lord was that way but I’ve felt he overacted on more than one occasion. I think Malden fits in that category of a lower key style, like Robert Mitchum, who I also enjoy a lot.

I agree that H5-O definitely jumped the shark. The last season was very weak but, hey, it did run for 12 seasons like you said. I skip several in the last 2 seasons when I watch. MacArthur was pretty good but he was sometimes pretty stiff or wooden. Douglas was in his first major role and did remarkably well, I feel. Pig in a Blanket was excellent but I think it comes back to acting style preference. Savalas was very good but his Kojak was a little too much on occasion. Still, I enjoy it but I prefer Conrad’s Cannon. Mannix is the one I’ve DVR’d episodes many times and still struggle to get onboard. I’m a fan of the hard-boiled detective genre, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, Lew Archer, etc... but Mannix didn’t seem to fit with that for me. Maybe it was because it wasn’t in the right time period. I love that 30’s and 40’s LA setting, probably because I grew up in LA and it’s so different now. I don’t know but I’ll probably keep trying episodes of Mannix. Maybe it’ll grab me at some point.

Fun discussion!
James Garner was definitely a great actor! I can't imagine THE ROCKFORD FILES without him. He fit that character to a tee! Garner WAS Rockford, same as Lord WAS McGarrett and Falk WAS Columbo! When I hear about all these remakes I think these people are absolutely nuts! How the heck can you ever find another James Garner to play that part. I heard they were considering Vince Vaughn. Seriously????? They could find the best actor working today for the part and it still wouldn't work. Same with Columbo. Or Kojak. These characters simply can't be played by anyone else. How well did the Five-O reboot experiment (or what I like to call "Five-Faux") work out with O'Loughlin in the lead???? Sure, the younger generation who never saw the old show and just tuned in every Friday night for the explosions, firefights, and fisticuffs probably got what they came for and O'Loughlin fit that bill. But can anyone of us seriously call that guy McGarrett??? Or Caan Danno??? They should have just called that show SWAT: HAWAII and just came up with original names because clearly it bears no resemblance to the old show.

As for David Janssen I can't say much about him. Tried a few episodes of THE FUGITIVE but didn't really get into it. You're right - he's very subdued. Didn't leave a mark on me.

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#272 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

MaiTaiMan wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Hookman is another classic H5O episode. I never got into Columbo or Mannix and I’ve seen several. I’m a big fan of The Streets of San Francisco. I think Karl Malden was a great actor, better than Lord in my opinion. He was very well respected by many in the industry and served as the president of SAG. I also think he developed a great chemistry with Michael Douglas on the show. So much so that when Douglas left, the ratings almost immediately dropped. I don’t think Lord and MacArthur ever developed that kind of on-screen chemistry.

I would also say The Streets of San Francisco was more consistent than Hawaii Five-O. It wasn’t until the second to last episode of the series that I really felt an episode was weak. Granted, H5-O ran much longer, but it has some real duds. I mean shows I can’t even watch anymore. I can’t say that about TSoSF. I’ve watched the whole series through several times. It even has appearances by Selleck, Mosley, and Manetti. :D No Hillerman but he was in H5-O and Mannix.
I'll have to disagree on Malden being a stronger actor than Lord. It's true that he was a bigger name in motion pictures whereas Lord was mostly relegated to the small screen. Malden was in more prestigious pictures (On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, winning an Oscar for the latter) but in my mind that doesn't make him a stronger actor. I don't remember a single moment in his performances where he really grabbed me. He was just a dependable character actor, in support of the star. And when speaking about his Mike Stone character in SOSF in particular there was nothing there that really grabbed me. He was likable but that's about it. I can't recall a single scene in all the episodes where I went "WOW!" whereas with Lord there were plenty such moments and I really don't believe I'm being biased at all. Malden was just fine but he didn't have that fire in the belly. When he threatened a perp it was more laughable than intimidating. He just looked comical with that bulb nose of his and hard to take seriously. Compare to someone like Lord or Savalas as Kojak. I mean those guys meant business and made your hair stand on edge. I like SOSF more than KOJAK but as a leading man give me Telly any day over Malden. Also his chemistry with Douglas - it was good, nothing phenomenal. They played well off each other and were certainly more equals than McGarrett and Danno so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. There was a different dynamic there. Also I'm not ready to say that Douglas on the show was a better actor than JMac on Five-O. I can't think of my favorite Douglas performance on the show but with JMac I immediately jump to "Pig in a Blanket" where he was phenomenal in his despair over losing his best friend, a cop, and then shooting an unarmed teen. Compare with a similar episode on SOSF where Keller shoots an unarmed kid and it's just not the same. I didn't feel his despair like I felt Danno's. Also all those "buddy boy's" and all those cutesy cheesy epilogs at the end, sorry but I'd rather go with the McGarreett and his team dynamic. Even in the 70s those things must have sounded really cheesy. Definitely a better writer was needed for those scenes. Compare with the hard-hitting endings on Five-O that often left the viewer shocked and in a trance - that's what I'm talking about!

I know it looks like I'm piling on SOSF but honestly I love the show. :D MANNIX too, but I love SOSF more. CANNON is one I've never really watched. But my point is that the stars of these shows, while perfectly fine, don't have what Lord had in his performance. Actually Mike Connors as Mannix came the closest because he could be tough-as-nails when called for and could really let his fists fly at times (of course he also got clobbered over the head more than any TV detective in the history of TV crime dramas LOL). Connors had that old school hard-boiled edge to him, a throw-back to those 40s detectives who didn't take crap from anyone. So he was compelling to watch too. But again, he was no McGarrett and I can't think of a moment where he made me jump the way Lord did. And speaking of FIVE-O episodes being unwatchable you really have to go all the way to season 12 for that. Even 10 and 11 had some very strong episodes (though 10 did have the hideous "Tread the King's Shadow"). But again, we're comparing a show that ran 12 seasons with one that ran 5. FIVE-O definitely jumped the shark whereas SOSF did not (though all will agree that season 5 was a definite drop from the previous 4 seasons and not just because Douglas left) but overall FIVE-O is the superior product. Let's not forget the music - both the main theme and the episodic scores, can't beat FIVE-O on that one! And the locale - Hawaii beats San Fran hands down!
Pretty much totally agree with this...I like and enjoy SOSF, but 5-0 was way better! I can’t think of any episodes I can’t/don’t watch when going through the show?? The last season was weaker than the previous 11, and it was after MacArthur had left...but there’s still good episodes in that season and none are so weak or bad that they’re not enjoyable or watchable! Both shows were/are awesome in their own ways...but overall with writing, plots/episodes, cinematography, locations, theme-song, music, etc...5-0 definitely beats SOSF, hands down! :!:
Yep, like you, I can find good or great episodes even during the final years. As long as Lord was McGarrett and we were still in the 70s the show still had that vibe that drew you in. Maybe the stories weren't as strong as the earlier seasons and maybe repetition had set in, but it was still FIVE-O (the real thing, not the fake one that just ended) and still has me tuning in. Like I said earlier there are maybe 2 or 3 episodes that I would call "unwatchable" but what's interesting is that when I do my rewatch I end up watching it anyway. :lol: So I gotta wonder how unwatchable it really is. In any case, these 3 are pretty bad - "Tread the King's Shadow" from season 10 (rich white girl runs away with poor Hawaiian boy because they're in love, later they contemplate abortion because they're not ready - YUCK! Is this Five-O or some Lifetime soap??) and "Sign of the Ram" and "The Moroville Covenant" from season 12. "Moroville Covenant" in particular - I HATE that one!!!

Pahonu mentioned a few early season ones where Caucasian actors used yellow-face. The only bad episode there was "To Hell With Babe Ruth" (season 2) but not because of yellow-face (which honestly doesn't bother me - I like this peek back in time, to see how it was back then) but because of Mark Lenard's wretched "performance" (if you can call it that) as the lunatic ninja who escapes from an insane asylum. His wild gestures and constant ranting and raving makes me want to throw something at the screen LOL! Honestly, the single worst guest "performance" on the show. YIKES!!! :shock: Will Kuluva was also in that episode and he was in yellow-face too but he was just fine. He wasn't a central character. It's Lenard that dominated almost every scene that Lord and company weren't in. Those are really painful to get through. A shame really because the premise was quite good - a guy mentally stuck back in time, trying to bomb Pearl Harbor, thinking it's 1941.
All the other episodes where non-Asians played Asians (like Ricardo Montalban, Phillip Pine, David Opatoshu (twice!), Will Kuluva in a season 1 episode) I enjoyed very much because as long as the story and the acting is engaging that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to call an episode I liked "unwatchable" just because one of the actors wore yellow-face. Ricardo Montalban's performance in "Samurai" was VERY good, despite the yellow-face.

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#273 Post by MaiTaiMan »

IvanTheTerrible wrote:
MaiTaiMan wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Hookman is another classic H5O episode. I never got into Columbo or Mannix and I’ve seen several. I’m a big fan of The Streets of San Francisco. I think Karl Malden was a great actor, better than Lord in my opinion. He was very well respected by many in the industry and served as the president of SAG. I also think he developed a great chemistry with Michael Douglas on the show. So much so that when Douglas left, the ratings almost immediately dropped. I don’t think Lord and MacArthur ever developed that kind of on-screen chemistry.

I would also say The Streets of San Francisco was more consistent than Hawaii Five-O. It wasn’t until the second to last episode of the series that I really felt an episode was weak. Granted, H5-O ran much longer, but it has some real duds. I mean shows I can’t even watch anymore. I can’t say that about TSoSF. I’ve watched the whole series through several times. It even has appearances by Selleck, Mosley, and Manetti. :D No Hillerman but he was in H5-O and Mannix.
I'll have to disagree on Malden being a stronger actor than Lord. It's true that he was a bigger name in motion pictures whereas Lord was mostly relegated to the small screen. Malden was in more prestigious pictures (On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, winning an Oscar for the latter) but in my mind that doesn't make him a stronger actor. I don't remember a single moment in his performances where he really grabbed me. He was just a dependable character actor, in support of the star. And when speaking about his Mike Stone character in SOSF in particular there was nothing there that really grabbed me. He was likable but that's about it. I can't recall a single scene in all the episodes where I went "WOW!" whereas with Lord there were plenty such moments and I really don't believe I'm being biased at all. Malden was just fine but he didn't have that fire in the belly. When he threatened a perp it was more laughable than intimidating. He just looked comical with that bulb nose of his and hard to take seriously. Compare to someone like Lord or Savalas as Kojak. I mean those guys meant business and made your hair stand on edge. I like SOSF more than KOJAK but as a leading man give me Telly any day over Malden. Also his chemistry with Douglas - it was good, nothing phenomenal. They played well off each other and were certainly more equals than McGarrett and Danno so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. There was a different dynamic there. Also I'm not ready to say that Douglas on the show was a better actor than JMac on Five-O. I can't think of my favorite Douglas performance on the show but with JMac I immediately jump to "Pig in a Blanket" where he was phenomenal in his despair over losing his best friend, a cop, and then shooting an unarmed teen. Compare with a similar episode on SOSF where Keller shoots an unarmed kid and it's just not the same. I didn't feel his despair like I felt Danno's. Also all those "buddy boy's" and all those cutesy cheesy epilogs at the end, sorry but I'd rather go with the McGarreett and his team dynamic. Even in the 70s those things must have sounded really cheesy. Definitely a better writer was needed for those scenes. Compare with the hard-hitting endings on Five-O that often left the viewer shocked and in a trance - that's what I'm talking about!

I know it looks like I'm piling on SOSF but honestly I love the show. :D MANNIX too, but I love SOSF more. CANNON is one I've never really watched. But my point is that the stars of these shows, while perfectly fine, don't have what Lord had in his performance. Actually Mike Connors as Mannix came the closest because he could be tough-as-nails when called for and could really let his fists fly at times (of course he also got clobbered over the head more than any TV detective in the history of TV crime dramas LOL). Connors had that old school hard-boiled edge to him, a throw-back to those 40s detectives who didn't take crap from anyone. So he was compelling to watch too. But again, he was no McGarrett and I can't think of a moment where he made me jump the way Lord did. And speaking of FIVE-O episodes being unwatchable you really have to go all the way to season 12 for that. Even 10 and 11 had some very strong episodes (though 10 did have the hideous "Tread the King's Shadow"). But again, we're comparing a show that ran 12 seasons with one that ran 5. FIVE-O definitely jumped the shark whereas SOSF did not (though all will agree that season 5 was a definite drop from the previous 4 seasons and not just because Douglas left) but overall FIVE-O is the superior product. Let's not forget the music - both the main theme and the episodic scores, can't beat FIVE-O on that one! And the locale - Hawaii beats San Fran hands down!
Pretty much totally agree with this...I like and enjoy SOSF, but 5-0 was way better! I can’t think of any episodes I can’t/don’t watch when going through the show?? The last season was weaker than the previous 11, and it was after MacArthur had left...but there’s still good episodes in that season and none are so weak or bad that they’re not enjoyable or watchable! Both shows were/are awesome in their own ways...but overall with writing, plots/episodes, cinematography, locations, theme-song, music, etc...5-0 definitely beats SOSF, hands down! :!:
Yep, like you, I can find good or great episodes even during the final years. As long as Lord was McGarrett and we were still in the 70s the show still had that vibe that drew you in. Maybe the stories weren't as strong as the earlier seasons and maybe repetition had set in, but it was still FIVE-O (the real thing, not the fake one that just ended) and still has me tuning in. Like I said earlier there are maybe 2 or 3 episodes that I would call "unwatchable" but what's interesting is that when I do my rewatch I end up watching it anyway. :lol: So I gotta wonder how unwatchable it really is. In any case, these 3 are pretty bad - "Tread the King's Shadow" from season 10 (rich white girl runs away with poor Hawaiian boy because they're in love, later they contemplate abortion because they're not ready - YUCK! Is this Five-O or some Lifetime soap??) and "Sign of the Ram" and "The Moroville Covenant" from season 12. "Moroville Covenant" in particular - I HATE that one!!!

Pahonu mentioned a few early season ones where Caucasian actors used yellow-face. The only bad episode there was "To Hell With Babe Ruth" (season 2) but not because of yellow-face (which honestly doesn't bother me - I like this peek back in time, to see how it was back then) but because of Mark Lenard's wretched "performance" (if you can call it that) as the lunatic ninja who escapes from an insane asylum. His wild gestures and constant ranting and raving makes me want to throw something at the screen LOL! Honestly, the single worst guest "performance" on the show. YIKES!!! :shock: Will Kuluva was also in that episode and he was in yellow-face too but he was just fine. He wasn't a central character. It's Lenard that dominated almost every scene that Lord and company weren't in. Those are really painful to get through. A shame really because the premise was quite good - a guy mentally stuck back in time, trying to bomb Pearl Harbor, thinking it's 1941.
All the other episodes where non-Asians played Asians (like Ricardo Montalban, Phillip Pine, David Opatoshu (twice!), Will Kuluva in a season 1 episode) I enjoyed very much because as long as the story and the acting is engaging that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to call an episode I liked "unwatchable" just because one of the actors wore yellow-face. Ricardo Montalban's performance in "Samurai" was VERY good, despite the yellow-face.
I don’t particularly care for “Tread the King’s Shadow” either...however, I don’t mind “Sign of the Ram”. But, yeah I can pretty much watch it all! Now, I will say I enjoy both 5-0 shows...I know some didn’t like the revision (2010-2020) series, but it was done in such a way that you can love & appreciate both shows for what they were and the time periods they were made. One didn’t “destroy” or take away from the other. This is rare for me because I almost always do not like new versions of past popular TV shows or movies (not referring to revival series’ with original actors, as that’s different), but there was something about the new 5-0 that I liked as well. But, agreed...there is definitely something captivating and fascinating about the original 5-0 with Jack Lord!
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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#274 Post by Pahonu »


Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:




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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#275 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

I would just like to say everyone on this thread of late has been raising the bar, upping their game.
Not that anyone needs me to point it out.
A pleasure to read, especially when people disagree, as both sides do a good job making their case.
Hawaii 5-0 is one of the few series that can surprise me with a plot twist at the end. The writing
holds up after 50 years, I was shocked how good it was when MeTV ran it for a few weeks 2 years ago.
It hasn't been run in the NYC area much at all since the 1980's, why is beyond me when crud like
Barnaby Jones goes on and on with Buddy Ebsen stealing his paycheck as he sleep walked thru the part.

"The only difference between a man and a computer is that a man doesn't count"...Banacek

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#276 Post by Pahonu »

Luther's nephew Dobie wrote: It hasn't been run in the NYC area much at all since the 1980's, why is beyond me when crud like
Barnaby Jones goes on and on with Buddy Ebsen stealing his paycheck as he sleep walked thru the part.

"The only difference between a man and a computer is that a man doesn't count"...Banacek
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Barnaby Jones was supposed to be a back door pilot on Cannon, but after they filmed the episode it was picked up and became the pilot with Conrad guest starring as Cannon. Unusual, I think. I enjoy Cannon. It’s well written and I’ve even been to the high rise building he lived in on Sunset Blvd. approximately named Sunset Tower. It’s a cool old Art Deco apartment building that was in decline until about 15 years ago. It’s now a popular hotel with the Hollywood crowd.

Barnaby Jones is like Mannix for me. Not that they’re alike, just that I’ve recorded multiple episodes over the years and haven’t been able to get into it.

That’s too bad about H5-O. It’s not currently on in the LA area either but has been, on and off, for years.

Have you ever watched Harry O? I’ve never been able to have a good discussion about the show with anyone on the forum. No one has seen it. :(

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#277 Post by MaiTaiMan »

Luther's nephew Dobie wrote:I would just like to say everyone on this thread of late has been raising the bar, upping their game.
Not that anyone needs me to point it out.
A pleasure to read, especially when people disagree, as both sides do a good job making their case.
Hawaii 5-0 is one of the few series that can surprise me with a plot twist at the end. The writing
holds up after 50 years, I was shocked how good it was when MeTV ran it for a few weeks 2 years ago.
It hasn't been run in the NYC area much at all since the 1980's, why is beyond me when crud like
Barnaby Jones goes on and on with Buddy Ebsen stealing his paycheck as he sleep walked thru the part.

"The only difference between a man and a computer is that a man doesn't count"...Banacek
Totally agree...the writing, plots, everything holds up after 52 years since it all began! Although by today’s standards it was a “joke”...for the time 5-0 was one of the first shows to sometimes mention and show forensics and the science behind how they tried to solve a case, besides just the gun battles & car chases. I’ve never actually seen Barnaby Jones, so couldn’t say one way or the other on that one? The only other show besides Beverly Hillbillies that I remember seeing Ebsen starring in was he played Lee Horsley’s uncle in the last season of Matt Houston, in the 80s.
"It was more ironic than a Robin Masters novel--she thought he was dead, he thought she was dead...and only the chauffeur knew the truth! He should have been the butler!" "Lest We Forget"

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#278 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

MaiTaiMan wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
MaiTaiMan wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Hookman is another classic H5O episode. I never got into Columbo or Mannix and I’ve seen several. I’m a big fan of The Streets of San Francisco. I think Karl Malden was a great actor, better than Lord in my opinion. He was very well respected by many in the industry and served as the president of SAG. I also think he developed a great chemistry with Michael Douglas on the show. So much so that when Douglas left, the ratings almost immediately dropped. I don’t think Lord and MacArthur ever developed that kind of on-screen chemistry.

I would also say The Streets of San Francisco was more consistent than Hawaii Five-O. It wasn’t until the second to last episode of the series that I really felt an episode was weak. Granted, H5-O ran much longer, but it has some real duds. I mean shows I can’t even watch anymore. I can’t say that about TSoSF. I’ve watched the whole series through several times. It even has appearances by Selleck, Mosley, and Manetti. :D No Hillerman but he was in H5-O and Mannix.
I'll have to disagree on Malden being a stronger actor than Lord. It's true that he was a bigger name in motion pictures whereas Lord was mostly relegated to the small screen. Malden was in more prestigious pictures (On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, winning an Oscar for the latter) but in my mind that doesn't make him a stronger actor. I don't remember a single moment in his performances where he really grabbed me. He was just a dependable character actor, in support of the star. And when speaking about his Mike Stone character in SOSF in particular there was nothing there that really grabbed me. He was likable but that's about it. I can't recall a single scene in all the episodes where I went "WOW!" whereas with Lord there were plenty such moments and I really don't believe I'm being biased at all. Malden was just fine but he didn't have that fire in the belly. When he threatened a perp it was more laughable than intimidating. He just looked comical with that bulb nose of his and hard to take seriously. Compare to someone like Lord or Savalas as Kojak. I mean those guys meant business and made your hair stand on edge. I like SOSF more than KOJAK but as a leading man give me Telly any day over Malden. Also his chemistry with Douglas - it was good, nothing phenomenal. They played well off each other and were certainly more equals than McGarrett and Danno so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. There was a different dynamic there. Also I'm not ready to say that Douglas on the show was a better actor than JMac on Five-O. I can't think of my favorite Douglas performance on the show but with JMac I immediately jump to "Pig in a Blanket" where he was phenomenal in his despair over losing his best friend, a cop, and then shooting an unarmed teen. Compare with a similar episode on SOSF where Keller shoots an unarmed kid and it's just not the same. I didn't feel his despair like I felt Danno's. Also all those "buddy boy's" and all those cutesy cheesy epilogs at the end, sorry but I'd rather go with the McGarreett and his team dynamic. Even in the 70s those things must have sounded really cheesy. Definitely a better writer was needed for those scenes. Compare with the hard-hitting endings on Five-O that often left the viewer shocked and in a trance - that's what I'm talking about!

I know it looks like I'm piling on SOSF but honestly I love the show. :D MANNIX too, but I love SOSF more. CANNON is one I've never really watched. But my point is that the stars of these shows, while perfectly fine, don't have what Lord had in his performance. Actually Mike Connors as Mannix came the closest because he could be tough-as-nails when called for and could really let his fists fly at times (of course he also got clobbered over the head more than any TV detective in the history of TV crime dramas LOL). Connors had that old school hard-boiled edge to him, a throw-back to those 40s detectives who didn't take crap from anyone. So he was compelling to watch too. But again, he was no McGarrett and I can't think of a moment where he made me jump the way Lord did. And speaking of FIVE-O episodes being unwatchable you really have to go all the way to season 12 for that. Even 10 and 11 had some very strong episodes (though 10 did have the hideous "Tread the King's Shadow"). But again, we're comparing a show that ran 12 seasons with one that ran 5. FIVE-O definitely jumped the shark whereas SOSF did not (though all will agree that season 5 was a definite drop from the previous 4 seasons and not just because Douglas left) but overall FIVE-O is the superior product. Let's not forget the music - both the main theme and the episodic scores, can't beat FIVE-O on that one! And the locale - Hawaii beats San Fran hands down!
Pretty much totally agree with this...I like and enjoy SOSF, but 5-0 was way better! I can’t think of any episodes I can’t/don’t watch when going through the show?? The last season was weaker than the previous 11, and it was after MacArthur had left...but there’s still good episodes in that season and none are so weak or bad that they’re not enjoyable or watchable! Both shows were/are awesome in their own ways...but overall with writing, plots/episodes, cinematography, locations, theme-song, music, etc...5-0 definitely beats SOSF, hands down! :!:
Yep, like you, I can find good or great episodes even during the final years. As long as Lord was McGarrett and we were still in the 70s the show still had that vibe that drew you in. Maybe the stories weren't as strong as the earlier seasons and maybe repetition had set in, but it was still FIVE-O (the real thing, not the fake one that just ended) and still has me tuning in. Like I said earlier there are maybe 2 or 3 episodes that I would call "unwatchable" but what's interesting is that when I do my rewatch I end up watching it anyway. :lol: So I gotta wonder how unwatchable it really is. In any case, these 3 are pretty bad - "Tread the King's Shadow" from season 10 (rich white girl runs away with poor Hawaiian boy because they're in love, later they contemplate abortion because they're not ready - YUCK! Is this Five-O or some Lifetime soap??) and "Sign of the Ram" and "The Moroville Covenant" from season 12. "Moroville Covenant" in particular - I HATE that one!!!

Pahonu mentioned a few early season ones where Caucasian actors used yellow-face. The only bad episode there was "To Hell With Babe Ruth" (season 2) but not because of yellow-face (which honestly doesn't bother me - I like this peek back in time, to see how it was back then) but because of Mark Lenard's wretched "performance" (if you can call it that) as the lunatic ninja who escapes from an insane asylum. His wild gestures and constant ranting and raving makes me want to throw something at the screen LOL! Honestly, the single worst guest "performance" on the show. YIKES!!! :shock: Will Kuluva was also in that episode and he was in yellow-face too but he was just fine. He wasn't a central character. It's Lenard that dominated almost every scene that Lord and company weren't in. Those are really painful to get through. A shame really because the premise was quite good - a guy mentally stuck back in time, trying to bomb Pearl Harbor, thinking it's 1941.
All the other episodes where non-Asians played Asians (like Ricardo Montalban, Phillip Pine, David Opatoshu (twice!), Will Kuluva in a season 1 episode) I enjoyed very much because as long as the story and the acting is engaging that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to call an episode I liked "unwatchable" just because one of the actors wore yellow-face. Ricardo Montalban's performance in "Samurai" was VERY good, despite the yellow-face.
I don’t particularly care for “Tread the King’s Shadow” either...however, I don’t mind “Sign of the Ram”. But, yeah I can pretty much watch it all! Now, I will say I enjoy both 5-0 shows...I know some didn’t like the revision (2010-2020) series, but it was done in such a way that you can love & appreciate both shows for what they were and the time periods they were made. One didn’t “destroy” or take away from the other. This is rare for me because I almost always do not like new versions of past popular TV shows or movies (not referring to revival series’ with original actors, as that’s different), but there was something about the new 5-0 that I liked as well. But, agreed...there is definitely something captivating and fascinating about the original 5-0 with Jack Lord!
I guess we'll have to disagree about the remake. First of all, I don't believe Peter Lenkov has much talent at all, as very evident by his output - all subpar remakes (Five-Faux, MiniMag, and MacGyver). Either due to the dearth of talent at the top (Lenkov) or because he simply doesn't care and is just in it for a quick buck. Why else not show some creativity by either being faithful to the original show or better yet, creating a brand new original show? Set it in Hawaii but actually put some quality into the workmanship. TRUE BLOODS reflects quality, Lenkov's shows do not. They're basically not even trying it seems like. Every episode seems like a last minute effort to throw something together and see if it sticks. Sure, Hawaii looks nice in HD. But that's about it. Subpar stories, subpar acting, subpar music. Celebrity of the week guest casting, from Sean Puffy Combs to Dog the Bounty Hunter to Chuck Norris to what-have-you. Chuck was on the screen for all of 30 seconds? What's the point? Obviously all this is just a distraction because no one cares about writing a solid story and casting good character actors, the way the original did. I didn't care for the remake but I saw my share of episodes and honestly there are probably only 4 or 5 in the entire run that I actually thought were good solid episodes. The one from season 2 where Peter Greene plays Danno's old partner from Jersey who kidnaps his daughter, the season 4 episode that flashes back to Pearl Harbor and the internment camp and the crime that was committed there, the one where Lou's old buddy (Mykelti Williamson) kills his wife and makes it look like she fell off a cliff (a VERY good performance by Chi McBride in that one!), and the one where Lou and his family go on the run and into the jungle after some black gangsters from Philly are after them (he testified against them). These are honestly the only episodes I recall being any good. The rest has been largely a forgettable mess of stupid carguments between the 2 leads and far-fetched and dumb storylines and soap operas and explosions and firefights. Since I mentioned Chi McBride I actually thought he was the best actor of the bunch but even he could only do so much based on the stories he was given. The one episode I mentioned above was a rare chance for him to shine, especially when he broke down at the end in his wife's arms. Again, I just didn't think it was a good show at all. Both as a remake or as just a crime drama filmed in Hawaii. The quality just wasn't there.

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#279 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#280 Post by Pahonu »

IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.
I am familiar, thanks. I’ve gone through all his reviews of H5-O and SOSF. Very thorough. I’ve also read a few of the Kojak reviews after I watched some episodes.

Someday I’ll find a fan of Harry-O to discuss it with!

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#281 Post by MaiTaiMan »

IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.
I too have looked into and read his stuff on 5-0 & SOSF...but not Harry-O. :lol: All I know about Harry-O is that it’s the show that caused producers Aaron Spelling & Leonard Goldberg to change the name of their most famous show to—Charlie’s Angels...as originally it was to be called “Harry’s Angels”. :wink:
"It was more ironic than a Robin Masters novel--she thought he was dead, he thought she was dead...and only the chauffeur knew the truth! He should have been the butler!" "Lest We Forget"

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#282 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

Pahonu wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.
I am familiar, thanks. I’ve gone through all his reviews of H5-O and SOSF. Very thorough. I’ve also read a few of the Kojak reviews after I watched some episodes.

Someday I’ll find a fan of Harry-O to discuss it with!
Mike did review at least 2 episodes of the show, seen here: http://mjq.net/harryo/harryo-1.html
He said he owned them on DVD but sold them to someone.

According to Mike, Ric Meyers in his book MURDER ON THE AIR has a whole chapter devoted to HARRY-O as well as H50 and PETER GUNN and MANNIX and other detective cop shows too!

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#283 Post by Pahonu »

IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.
I am familiar, thanks. I’ve gone through all his reviews of H5-O and SOSF. Very thorough. I’ve also read a few of the Kojak reviews after I watched some episodes.

Someday I’ll find a fan of Harry-O to discuss it with!
Mike did review at least 2 episodes of the show, seen here: http://mjq.net/harryo/harryo-1.html
He said he owned them on DVD but sold them to someone.

According to Mike, Ric Meyers in his book MURDER ON THE AIR has a whole chapter devoted to HARRY-O as well as H50 and PETER GUNN and MANNIX and other detective cop shows too!
Cool, thanks!

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#284 Post by MaiTaiMan »

IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:
IvanTheTerrible wrote:
Pahonu wrote:Ivan,

Five-Faux!!! :D

To Hell with Babe Ruth. That was the episode! Horrible acting by that guy. Painful to watch.

Rockford is my favorite show of all time. Garner was so good!

Janssen in the Fugitive is good. In Harry-O he’s fantastic. It was only a two year run for the show and the studio kept tinkering with it unfortunately, but it’s a favorite of mine. I got the DVD’s from Warner Bros. directly. You should try and see it. He’s an ex-cop pensioned off the force with a bullet in his back who’s now a private investigator. It’s very unique for a pi show. He’s a bit of a loner. The voice overs are great. Better than Magnum’s... really!!! Check this out:



I've heard of HARRY-O but never seen it. You might have some luck with Mike Quigley (if you're familiar with him and his expansive Hawaii Five-O site) who might have watched or might even have some of the episodes in his possession. He's very much into 70s crime dramas and, in addition to Five-O, has also reviewed every episode of SOSF and KOJAK. But I do know that Mike has talked about HARRY-O in the past. He has a discussion forum on his site where you can discuss Five-O as well as non-Five-O shows. So you might have some luck there.
I am familiar, thanks. I’ve gone through all his reviews of H5-O and SOSF. Very thorough. I’ve also read a few of the Kojak reviews after I watched some episodes.

Someday I’ll find a fan of Harry-O to discuss it with!
Mike did review at least 2 episodes of the show, seen here: http://mjq.net/harryo/harryo-1.html
He said he owned them on DVD but sold them to someone.

According to Mike, Ric Meyers in his book MURDER ON THE AIR has a whole chapter devoted to HARRY-O as well as H50 and PETER GUNN and MANNIX and other detective cop shows too!
I love and have Peter Gunn, too!
"It was more ironic than a Robin Masters novel--she thought he was dead, he thought she was dead...and only the chauffeur knew the truth! He should have been the butler!" "Lest We Forget"

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Re: Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#285 Post by ZelenskyTheValiant (Ivan) »

Hey, how about we try something fun? List your favorite episode from each season of Five-O and SOSF.

Hawaii Five-O
S1 - The Box
S2 - The Singapore File
S3 - Over Fifty? Steal
S4 - Rest in Peace, Somebody (my personal favorite from the entire run)
S5 - 'V' for Vashon: The Father
S6 - Hookman
S7 - I'll Kill 'Em Again
S8 - McGarrett is Missing
S9 - A Capitol Crime
S10 - Tsunami
S11 - The Skyline Killer (the last truly great episode, yes even this late the show still had a real corker!)
S12 - Though the Heavens Fall

I thought The Skyline Killer would have made a great series finale! Not only because it's a great episode, but because it has this awesome aerial sweeping shot at the end with McGarrett standing on the top of some construction project as the camera pans across him, the edge of Waikiki, and a beautiful view of Diamond Head, all as the Five-O theme triumphantly plays! Then freeze frame! Perfect ending!

The Streets of San Francisco
S1 - Act of Duty / Beyond Vengeance (can't decide between these two)
S2 - For the Love of God
S3 - Mask of Death
S4 - Most Likely to Succeed
S5 - The Drop

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