Find Me a Rainbow (6.18)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the sixth season

Moderator: Styles Bitchley

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#31 Post by rubber chicken »

I think you're right Little Garwood, good eye. :)

The Legacy of Garwood Huddle - 5.4

Find Me a Rainbow - 6.18

I wonder what his story is. Could he be the child of Lady X? ;)

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#32 Post by Little Garwood »

Thanks for posting the screencaps, rubber chicken!

Maybe James will give me another credit for spotting this one...
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#33 Post by AmandaByNight »

I love this episode. It's surprisingly moving at the end. Julie Montgomery was in a slasher called Girls Nite Out and she is flat our adorable, so it was a treat to see her in this as well.

I should also mention the brief scene with Kip Gilman always makes me smile. He is such an underrated actor. I met his wife actually (the goregous Jamie Rose) about 2 years ago and I was mooning over her hubby and she seemed pleasantly pleased by that. I'm pretty sure the two big things I mentioned were Magnum and Bedroom Eyes.

I've also met Shavar Ross and was so excited because of Magnum. I don't think he gets that one alot. He's recognized mostly as Dudley from Diff'rent Strokes or Reggie the Reckless from Friday the 13th Part 5! He didn't say much, he just acted surprised that I remembered him on Magnum. He was SO nice!

Anyway, yes. Kip Gilman. Awesome actor. I really think his part should have been bigger. He's so great.

OK, rambling done! :)

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#34 Post by J.J. Walters »

I do believe you guy's are correct! It's gotta be the same kid. Poor kid gets kidnapped twice in two different episodes!

Little Garwood wrote:Thanks for posting the screencaps, rubber chicken!

Maybe James will give me another credit for spotting this one...
I've added the notes to the Episode Guide. Pretty funny to have the entries ended with "Noted by Little Garwood"! :)
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#35 Post by Styles Bitchley »

Little Garwood wrote:Thanks for posting the screencaps, rubber chicken!

Maybe James will give me another credit for spotting this one...
Nice catch Gar!
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#36 Post by MaiTaiMan »

This was a fairly good episode...the thing that somewhat saves it is the cute little boy they're looking for and the emotional but good ending. Not a terrible episode by any means, but not one that stands out or is memorable either.
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#37 Post by miltontheripper »

Little Garwood wrote:I'll have to compare screencaps, but I'm certain that the little boy who played Jesse was the same scamp who was Little Garwood in S5's The Legacy of Garwood Huddle. He'd be a year older in Find Me a Rainbow.

I rated this episode a 7.5...
Great spot! I noticed this right away as "Little Garwood/Jesse" rode his tric out of the trees. Hilarious! I also agree with all of you that thought it was a little ridiculous that the police would bust the place, arrest a bunch of child selling scumbags, and then leave like two minutes later? It's pretty odd to think that they wouldn't have checked the grounds a little more thoroughly. Oh well, Mangum's too good a show to pick apart the little details. This episode is not a highlight for me though. As good as season 6 has been, I just couldn't really get into this one. Although seeing some naughty kids bomb higgins with cavier is quite priceless! And the blonde wasn't too hard on the eyes either.

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#38 Post by snp389 »

I love homage to Vangelis' famous 'running' score from the movie "Chariots Of Fire" when TM and TC and playing footy with the kids on the lawn and Robin's Nest.

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#39 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

Frodoleader wrote:Watched this episode last night. I thought the happy ending was a little too contrived. The wife commented when little Jessie appeared that the police would have made a complete check of the grounds before leaving and thus found Jessie.
I agree with you both.

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#40 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

firefly wrote:i also have to agree with the statement made earlier in this thread that it was difficult to believe that julia montgomery was only 21. while she is/was a extremely attractive woman, 21?, closer to 31.
She was 25-26.

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Re: Find Me a Rainbow (6.18)

#41 Post by Doc Fred »

I guess I'm in the minority... I was undecided if Lydia was hot or not... finally decided she wasn't.
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#42 Post by marlboro »

I think the story would have worked a lot better if Magnum's client had been poor and had sold her baby, had been remorseful, and was now trying to track him down. Lot's of potential for drama and moral questions in that scenario.

steveadl wrote:Not one of the strongest episodes, but not too bad over all.

The main plot hole for me was the idea that Lydia was looking for her son against her families wishes. Sure they may have been disgraced by her in their posh circle, not approved etc but in the end - their daughter had a child, which was then kidnapped by the father. We're supposed to believe they'd cut her off financially from looking for him?!

Yes, I found this extremely odd as well. I have a hard time that the patriarch of a family of millionaires would allow the hired help to knock up his daughter and then kidnap his grandson and not do anything about it. The driver was still using his real name to boot! Even if the girls father forbid it, I'm pretty sure she would have enough clout to get her kid back with a simple call to the police. I know the girl says that the police don't want to spend resources on kids getting kidnapped by their own parents when they have so many other cases or something, but that is pretty silly. I'm sure the police handle cases like that all the time. I would be willing to bet that most "kidnapping" cases in the US involve relatives. (no stats to back that up, just a hunch)

And another thing: after the chauffeur initially tells Magnum that there "was no son" I would think that Magnum's next step would be to place a call to the girl's family to get to the bottom of what is going on. But, even though the girl has lied to him every step of the way, he now becomes totally convinced that she is telling the truth. I don't really understand that.

And finally: the happy ending. It just isn't plausible, for all the reasons that the others have already mentioned.

Favorite bit: Magnum's rainbow pickup line. I'll have to remember that one.

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Re: Find Me a Rainbow (6.18)

#43 Post by szilard »

I cried at the end of this ep.

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#44 Post by Dave Anderson »

J.J. Walters wrote:
Frodoleader wrote:Watched this episode last night. I thought the happy ending was a little too contrived. The wife commented when little Jessie appeared that the police would have made a complete check of the grounds before leaving and thus found Jessie. She tends to overthink things.
Yeah, that was a bit of a stretch, even for an 80s action/drama show like MPI. The police bust this major child smuggling ring, haul everybody out, then split .... in like two minutes!? No looking for evidence, no searching the grounds, nothing. :?

Of course, the reason they did it like that was so the ending would pack an even bigger emotional punch! It must of worked, because despite being contrived and predictable, I bawled my eyes out! I'm a "softie" when it comes to stuff like this. ;)
Yes, the ending was not very believable but better than say Paper War. There was literally no time for them to get out the building in that one. In this episode, you can assume that the child rode his bike off the grounds, nobody noticed, and was just now coming back. Its not beyond the realm of impossibility. As for the police operation being wrapped up, there may have been some police out on the street or whatever, just not in the yard anymore. At least it seems possible. Its a stretch, but not impossible.

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Re: Find Me a Rainbow (6.18)

#45 Post by Dave Anderson »

Saw this episode again last night on Cozi. I like it. The storyline has a few improbabilities in it and could have been more realistic, but as someone mentioned, this was 80s TV, so nothing unusual about improbable storylines. There are less believable episodes in the series. This is an enjoyable episode with a "feel good" ending, which is nice sometimes. The actress playing Lydia was, of course, gorgeous, which didn't hurt either. She was also convincing in showing that even a young, spoiled rich girl can turn into a "momma bear" when her cub is in danger. All in all, I liked the episode from beginning to end, though not one of MPI's best, it was a very good one.

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