Echoes of the Mind (2) (5.2)

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#16 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

My review for Part I of this story. I’m very mixed about this one.


As Higgins wonders how to tell Agatha that it’s not her that he intends to marry, Thomas meets Diane’s sister Deidre, who tells him some startling home truths about Diane. But the sisters share a dark secret. Conclusion of this so-so two-parter…


This review contains spoilers.

I don’t have that much different to say about this instalment that I didn’t say on Part I.
It is a perfectly watchable story, and well acted, but the tone of the series was definitely shifting around this time.

I like Higgins’ throwaway line to Agatha about a Lt. Freebairn-Smith, who apparently was eaten by a tiger – a seeming name reference to Ian Freebairn-Smith, who composed the show’s original theme tune that was heard on the very early episodes.
In fact, Higgins very much makes this episode, a welcome contrast to the more series proceedings regarding Thomas / Diane / Deidre.

By this point, the series was becoming more character and drama driven, than the more adventure-set episodes of the earlier seasons. While in one way this was good, as I like watching the four main characters and how they react, I did start to miss the more adventurous stories, a feeling that would continue through much of this season.

Saying that, I like the scene where Rick and T.C. are hanging out as T.C. works on his helicopter – spilling oil down the back of Rick’s $300 cashmere sweater. By this point, the main characters were so well rounded that it was just fun to watch them interact with each other.

Sharon Stone puts in a good performance in this story, and even though it is explained that they are one and the same at the end, really makes Diane and Deidre feel like two separate characters.

The comedy highlight of the story – and one of the best of the whole season – comes as Father Paddy (from the third season’s ‘Faith and Begorrah’) pays a visit to put Lady Ashley off of marrying Higgins. All along we think it is Higgins putting on an act – until the real Higgins arrives in a dodgy disguise and even dodgier Irish accent, impersonating Paddy. …Okay, so you need to see it to fully get what I mean, but it is one of the most laugh out loud moments of the 1984-85 season.

I did pretty much work out the twist about Diane and Deidre being the same person before it was revealed, but even so, it plays out very well. The final scene, of Diane committing suicide in front of Thomas, is very shocking, and ranks up there with the end of the third season’s ‘Did You See The Sunrise?’ in my opinion.

Overall, I have very mixed feelings about this story. It is well acted, and coming from Donald P. Bellisario, you can always be assured of the quality. At the same time, it is a long way from one of the series’ classics, and just sums up for me the different direction (and not for the better) that the show would generally take in the fifth and sixth season.

The story continues in the next episode, ‘Mac’s Back’.


Other notes, bloopers and misc.:

* With the reappearance of Father Paddy in this episode, it is the only time that one of Higgins’ estranged relations appears in more than one episode.

* Listen to the sound quality on the closing credits – the theme ‘doubles back’ on itself, but the second time around, the quality really drops, being really tinny and weak.

* When Five broadcast this episode in 2002, as the episodes were being shown each weekday and Part I was only shown the day before, they removed Tom Selleck saying “Last week on Part I of ‘Echoes of the Mind’” on the opening recap, instead adding a ‘previously’ caption.

* …Also, much of Magnum being mauled by the Rottweilers in Part I was edited out, yet some of those very same shots were left in for the recap before Part II. It was this sort of contradictions that could be very frustrating sometimes!

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#17 Post by Danno »

What begins as a somewhat OTT episode in part one, ends with darkness in part two... Sharon Stone's performance begins to take off towards the end. She sure plays the crazy lady well.

The house that Diane/Deidre stay at is beautiful!

Does anyone else find the ending scene that then cuts to the theme music for the credits abrupt? Going from such a dark scene to the cheery theme music is hard to go along with...
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#18 Post by robspace54 »

Just unwrapped Season 5. This was both tough to watch and also in some ways silly. The double role was pretty obvious by the middle of episode 1 to me. But how do you play a disturbed person and make it look two totally different people? Tough to script and pull off.

JH has a great role here and his interaction with Agatha is great. Lady Ashley (ugh) quite the dry stick... what?

Flub near the end of episode 2. When Father Paddy arrives he reaches into the ashtray to "bum a butt" and picks up a used filter tip, yet when he puts it to his mouth and lights it, it is full length and has no filter. :-)

We finally get to hear from TM his angst about Michelle's death and his fears that if he gets too close to another lady - she will die too. Dramatic - but the quiet moment between Magnum and Higgins is, I think, the core of this episode.

And I think the abrupt ending was the only way to do it... but I don't think they needed to show Diana putting the gun to her head.
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#19 Post by Styles Bitchley »

robspace54 wrote:Just unwrapped Season 5. This was both tough to watch and also in some ways silly. The double role was pretty obvious by the middle of episode 1 to me. But how do you play a disturbed person and make it look two totally different people? Tough to script and pull off.

JH has a great role here and his interaction with Agatha is great. Lady Ashley (ugh) quite the dry stick... what?

Flub near the end of episode 2. When Father Paddy arrives he reaches into the ashtray to "bum a butt" and picks up a used filter tip, yet when he puts it to his mouth and lights it, it is full length and has no filter. :-)

We finally get to hear from TM his angst about Michelle's death and his fears that if he gets too close to another lady - she will die too. Dramatic - but the quiet moment between Magnum and Higgins is, I think, the core of this episode.

And I think the abrupt ending was the only way to do it... but I don't think they needed to show Diana putting the gun to her head.
Nice little review Rob. I concur on all points!
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#20 Post by AmandaByNight »

I like this episode. I think it marks a real turning point for the show where it became a little esoteric and dealt with some really interesting issues regarding personal self and death (Mac's ghost is a good example). Magnum really starts to grow up after this episode and I think the character shift is explained here.

Plus, I admit it, I adore Sharon Stone. She's not really box office draw for me, but there's something about HER that I find really compelling, so it's easy for me to see why Magnum fell in love.

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#21 Post by Islandhoppers5 »

Goodness gracious, although she is STILL lovely, Sharon Stone was so beautiful in these episodes.

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#22 Post by nha trang »

Forgive me as I wipe the drool off my chin after watching the episode, I am still imagining a young Sharon Stone walking into MY shower...megababe!

I have really nothing else to say about this 2-parter that hasn't already been said better than I could say it. I kind of agree with everyone's points.

For what it's worth, I think part of the reason watching Magnum PI on TV always intrigued me is the stories would mostly be so casual, and then I'd catch one of the ongoing plot episodes (Nam flashback, Michelle etc) and I would wonder why I didn't know what was going on.

After having started watching the DVDs, and reading comments on here about a kind of "sea change" in the episodes coming up, I realize that my favorite Magnum is the jovial, good natured one trying to stop from hearing the score of the game, making a chili dog, fumbling with an automatic coffee vending machine, pulling rubber chickens, Kaline glove, and gorilla mask out of the closet, taking out the surfski in the beautiful ocean, and even on a serious note, with his quirky traditions, like "Home from the Sea," Magnum being tested...I hope these things don't go away in later seasons to be replaced by more intricate plot lines and more violence....but we'll see.

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#23 Post by zebra3 »

308GTS wrote:I've gotta say that this two parter is a real turkey. I've tried and tried to find something that might redeem it but I just can't.

Firstly, why on earth would Magnum fall in love with a total psycho like Diane/Deidre when he knew for some time that they were one and the same. As much as I like Sharon Stone, she's a superb actress but in this she's just lame, sorry but I just cannot see why anyone would like this episode.
I believe I can explain this, just as Higgins did:
"She is beautiful and vulnerable."

Come on, most guys (Esp. Magnum) are suckers for a pretty damsel in distress. She is gorgeous and clearly troubled and TM being TM, he felt compelled to help her.
I'm no expert on love, but they way it seems, you can't help but feel the way you do. Sometimes, as Higgins said, it's just right.
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#24 Post by zebra3 »

Islandhoppers5 wrote:Goodness gracious, although she is STILL lovely, Sharon Stone was so beautiful in these episodes.
I always thought she was hottest in "The Specialist." In fact, I'm sure of it.
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#25 Post by burny »

i just watched pt 1 and 2 just now - its been a little while since i have. something about this 2 parter just has a different feel to the entire rest
of the series. when i just viewed it now, it really felt different.

i thought hillerman stole the show here - i found myself much more interested
in the hig's storyline and performance - the TM and Hig scenes in this ep are

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#26 Post by zebra3 »

Yeah I always found Agatha a weird character in the show until this episode. They managed to make you feel something for the almost unrealistically quirky side character. Now I have some love for Agatha, that she isn't pathetic and naggy, (well, she is) but a decent person with feelings.
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#27 Post by MaiTaiMan »

"Echoes of the Mind"...the title says it all, baby! :wink: I LOVE anything psychological, suspenseful, eerie, spooky, bizarre, etc...and this delightful, little bone-chilling, 2-part, season premiere was exactly all of this!!

One of my all-time favorites--I love the "Hitchcockian" style plot twists as we get to view the bizarre but fascinating mental collapse of the sweet but psychotic Diane Dupres...and then the venomous lies and back-stabbings of Diane's hateful, nympho-aggressive twin sister Diedre---but which one is which? :shock: Sharon Stone did a superb job with the character/s and this was back when she was still pretty hot! :wink: :lol:

The opening scenes of the Porsche racing down a dark, wet beach cliff road at dusk, while the eerie and spine-tingling music plays in the background are superb and mezmerizing! It gives me goosebumps everytime and I'm like: "Here we go...this is gonna be wild!" :D I also love how throughout the episode you kept thinking someone (either Diedre or someone else) was hiding in Diane's closet, watching and waiting for the right moment to pounce. But, in reality it was a dead guy, supposedly still watching in...well is it Diane's or Diedre's mind?? Yup...exactly! :shock:

Then we suddenly get a double treat! Besides Magnum and Diane...we get to see how Higgins almost throws his life away on a venomous and heartless woman of his own! I love how Higgins suddenly realizes what an uncaring "harpy" Lady Ashley turns out to be...and how he and Agatha trick Lady Ashley and her idiot man-companion to call the wedding off! :lol: I always thought Higgins and Agatha should have ended up together. :wink: However, even if they did a reunion movie or something this can never be Gillian Dobb (Agatha Chumley) sadly passed away in 2001. :cry:

The end of this episode was very wild and blunt-quick...very "Miami Vice-ish". It left you going..."Whoa!" :o But, it was supposed to. "Echoes of the Mind" was and still is a very effective psychological shocker for "Magnum" and 80's television! Beautiful!! 8)

(I put this same review for Part 1)
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#28 Post by miltontheripper »

Great episode! Sure it's a bit far fetched but in some episodes isn't that what makes this show so fun to watch? Sharon Stone couldn't be hotter or more convincingly nuts, Magnum's bushy hair couldn't look worse, and Higgins finding out what a cold, selfish person Lady Ashley is was a great subplot. This one had it all for me, not to mention watching a horribly done rotweiler attack on Magnum that literally made me laugh out loud. I give this a 9.5!

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#29 Post by MaiTaiMan »

miltontheripper wrote:Great episode! Sure it's a bit far fetched but in some episodes isn't that what makes this show so fun to watch?
Exactly...could not have said it better! :)
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#30 Post by Sisophous »

This is a duplicate post by me, I posted it initially on part 1 replying to another post but soon after realized it belongs in part 2 of this episode, Echoes of the Mind. I see no harm if it is posted twice but it really belongs here.

Thanks J.J. for the photo.

Sharon Stone is attractive but something about her always turned me off. I think she comes across as very seductive but also emphatically arrogant on film....... Look at me, I am it, no one else measures up to me. I am the most beautiful.

Part 2 which I just viewed is a major disappointment. I rated part 1 as 5 stars but part 2 of Echoes of the Mind as 3 stars.

Sharon Stone playing her twin sister in two roles is not believable, they are obviously the same person. And, Higgins playing himself and his half brother is also absurd it is so obvious. The delusional Sharon Stone playing Diane and taking her life is another poorly written script. The ending makes little sense other than Sharon Stone in the role of Diane is a loon and hallucinating. This part 2 is a bad episode but I still rated it as 3 stars for a few good segments such as Higgins being honest about his wrongly interpreted marriage intent.

The script writers took a 5 star episode from part 1 and really turned out a piece of crap in the second part with another confusing ending which only they understand while the public is left guessing.

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