For all the haters of the new show

For discussions about the new CBS Magnum P.I. reboot

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#61 Post by Laohu »

As I said before for someone who claims not to want to fight he is just having fun you never fail to try and prove my point by trying to instigate . I was civil to Conch to start with and saw nothing he said as a attack on me .
Thank you for proving my point so quickly

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#62 Post by T.Q. »

Laohu wrote:As I said before for someone who claims not to want to fight he is just having fun you never fail to try and prove my point by trying to instigate . I was civil to Conch to start with and saw nothing he said as a attack on me .
Thank you for proving my point so quickly
Who me? All I did was post some gifs of Higgy baby.
Knocking my rubber chicken or my sloppy habits is within the rules, but you're attacking my character. I would like to think you don't mean that.

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#63 Post by Amian »

K Hale wrote:
ConchRepublican wrote:
Laohu wrote:I am disappointed it is not friendlier around here . That’s why I reached out to Conch I did not understand where he was coming from and must admit I still can’t . I Was not trying to change his mind just to understand where he was coming from and maybe give him a little to think about as well . If he found no merit to it then at least I tried . To be honest he really is not going to change my mind and I am not going to change his . I was hoping we could find some common ground after all we are both here because we are fans of Magnum .
I thought I gave a lengthy detailed response, and explained myself and my position pretty well regarding Magnum, P.I. vs. the reboot.

All in all, I think it's just fine in here. When it comes to internet forums there is still a high level of civility and respect between people who don't agree. There are differing levels of sensitivity, but hey, people are people.

Again, this is a site and forum created and based upon the Magnum, P.I. tv series starring Tom Selleck. The creator called it "Magnum-Mania" and forumites by and large are "Magnum Maniacs". To be surprised at those holding strong feelings about protecting the integrity of Magnum, P.I. when a reboot is airing using the names and likenesses of, but bearing no resemblance except superficially to, the characters and relationships we have a connection with, is not being realistic.
Sometimes I feel like people are new to the Internet.

This is the most polite forum I’ve ever been a part of. I’ve been online since 1991. Expectations in life are occasionally unreasonable.
Newness to the Internet is relative (1991 has me beat, though my friend had Compuserve back then!), but I don't think that's the issue. ConchRepublican and Laohu have stated their opinions civilly. It's just a matter of seeing things differently.

I can see Conch's perspective and respect that's he's thought it through so thoroughly, but I tend to think the original Magnum doesn't need to have its integrity protected because it does that pretty well on its own. I don't see the reboot as a threat to, or a smear upon, MPI's good name. It's a different version of MPI reimagined in 2019.

I do agree that expectations in life can be unreasonable. However, I don't really think Laohu's out of line or anything. Let's pretend it's 2007 and a Magnum fan searches (maybe even uses Netscape or something for the search, heh) for a fan site and stumbles across MM. Eureka! Everyone's a fan. So much great content! No one comes to a Magnum fan site to complain about the show. Now, it's 2019, and someone catches the reboot. This person has never seen the original Magnum, or maybe his parents watched it, or something. He likes the reboot pretty well and googles around, leading him to MM. Everyone's a fan, loads of awesome info. And there's the reboot thread, great! But open it up and he'll find that the majority of commenters are not fans of the show. Well, that would be surprising and disappointing. Or, maybe he liked the original, but never checked it out on the web (more of a Magnum watcher than a Magnum maniac), but he saw the reboot, enjoyed it well enough, and discovered MM. Once again, the reboot thread might no be so appealing.

In the end, maybe you're right, and the problem is newness to the Internet, or rather, to this site. And maybe Conch is right, too: some long time fans are going to oppose the reboot no matter what, and he's expressed his reasons clearly. But some long time fans will enjoy it, and actually are surprised by just how strong the anti-reboot feelings have been. I like looking for little easter eggs, locations, comparing the similarities and differences between characters and plot arcs, etc. I don't suggest the reboot is a better show or anything, but having a larger Magnum-verse is interesting to me and has reinvigorated my interest in the original. My wife laughs every time I bring out a DVD or one of our young kids asks to watch Magnum on a Sunday. (Yep, they are Maniacs, too.)

This has turned into a much longer post than I was expecting (If you're still reading, sorry I can't give you back that minute of your life, but thanks for sticking with me).

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#64 Post by MagnumsLeftShoulder »

And there's the reboot thread, great! But open it up and he'll find that the majority of commenters are not fans of the show. Well, that would be surprising and disappointing
Hmm.. ...I think hate, scorn, and criticism for reboots, remakes, re-imaginings, sequels, and prequels is one thing that almost all fandoms have in common. Not that that means everybody always has to hate a remake, but it's an extremely common sentiment among pop culture fans. For some people, ripping the "new generation" and nitpicking changes is part of the fun. What anyone at this website thinks will have no bearing on the success or failure of the MPI reboot. Think of all those Star Wars fans who HATE the prequels and sequels and aren't shy about letting everybody know. Does it matter? No because those movies make a billion dollars in 2 or 3 weeks.

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#65 Post by Chris109 »

Amian wrote:
K Hale wrote: Sometimes I feel like people are new to the Internet.

This is the most polite forum I’ve ever been a part of. I’ve been online since 1991. Expectations in life are occasionally unreasonable.
Newness to the Internet is relative (1991 has me beat, though my friend had Compuserve back then!), but I don't think that's the issue. ConchRepublican and Laohu have stated their opinions civilly. It's just a matter of seeing things differently.
We should all thank Al Gore for inventing the internet and just move on. Politely, of course.


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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#66 Post by Reef monkey »

MagnumsLeftShoulder wrote:
Hmm.. ...I think hate, scorn, and criticism for reboots, remakes, re-imaginings, sequels, and prequels is one thing that almost all fandoms have in common. Not that that means everybody always has to hate a remake, but it's an extremely common sentiment among pop culture fans. For some people, ripping the "new generation" and nitpicking changes is part of the fun. What anyone at this website thinks will have no bearing on the success or failure of the MPI reboot. Think of all those Star Wars fans who HATE the prequels and sequels and aren't shy about letting everybody know. Does it matter? No because those movies make a billion dollars in 2 or 3 weeks.
Very well said. I grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy, one of my very first (if not THE very first) memories I have of going to a movie theatre is to see The Empire Strikes Back. I found the prequels appalling. My stepson, who is 21, loves them.

I also spent my entire adolescence watching Star Trek: The Next Generation in its original run. I was familiar enough with the Original Series characters from watching a few Saturday afternoon UHF station marathons with my dad, but not so deeply attached to the characters that the new series threatened me. But then of course, Roddenberry had the good judgement to create new characters rather than trying to put new actors in existing iconic roles that had really been defined by and were practically inextricable from the actors who portrayed them.

I think that's the key. The James Bond series has survived so many cast changes, despite vocal people (including most of my family) saying "Connery was the best Bond", because Connery didn't really create a deep character people connected with. That's no dig at Connery's acting skills, because Bond isn't supposed to be a character people connect with. He's a cipher. He has no deep, lasting relationships with other characters that get explored. He doesn't grow as a person. He's a cold, brutal assassin. He's a suit of clothes any actor can slip into in order to execute the Eon Productions formula of supervillian+plot to threaten the world+flirt with Moneypenny+first girl who dies+exotic locations+cool gadgets+chases+death-defying situation+explosive setpieces+more chases+second girl who Bond gets at the end=Bond film.

Kirk-Spock-McCoy, and Magnum-Rick-TC-Higgins, these are characters originated by certain actors, and developed so much by these actors over such a long period of time, to people who observed that the first time, these characters and actors are indelibly combined. To people who saw that character development happening as it took place, it's hard to accept anyone else in those roles, and a lot of what people who like the reboot see as negativity by the old show purists is actually deep emotional attachment to these character-actor chimeras. Some may find it silly that people got so emotionally attached to an actor-character combination, but the ability to elicit this emotional connection is exactly what defines a good actor and a good writer.

Me, I don't consider myself a "hater" of the reboot, I wanted to like it, I gave it a shot. I watched the first episode live, then recorded subsequent episodes, but found myself less and less motivated to watch the episodes that piled up in my DVR. Why is that? Is it because I couldn't get over the original character-actor connections? Maybe. I actually think though that there were other stronger issues. While the cast is perfectly likeable, they actually may be a little too likeable, a little too easygoing. I think about the Hawaii 5-0 reboot, and though I already knew the characters from the original series through UHF reruns, I actually found the 5-0 reboot characters more compelling because Jack Lord, et al were kind of boring Boy Scouts. The characters in the reboot, especially Scott Caan's Danno, are so much more compelling. In the Magnum reboot, Hernandez's characterization isn't very deep. He is just laid back and likeable, without the complex combination of brawny physically imposing he-man whose also a little haunted, but at the same time exasperatingly childish much of the time. The new Rick is frankly too similar to the new Magnum, a milquetoast laidback, able to put out shallow one-liners, but got nothing on Larry Manetti's wound-up little man characterization. And the new Higgins, though hot as all getout, she's too perfect, too capable, too flexible about Magnum's irresponsibility. Hillerman's Higgins' depth came from being a stodgy, out of shape, out of touch martinet at the surface, but underneath that being both deeply sentimental and fatherly, and highly capable when the situation called for it.

But all that aside, I have to admit, I probably would have watched the new Magnum as fun escapism if it had come out 9 years ago, if it had been Lenkhov's first reboot instead of Hawaii 5-0. Maybe part of it's that I enjoyed all the shoot-em-up action more when I was in my early 30s than I do now in my early 40s, but I think mostly I've just been there, done that, when it comes to watching bantering buddies solve crimes in Hawaii. Even before the new Magnum came out, my interest in 5-0 had been waning, I didn't watch most of the 2017-2018 season episodes until last summer, and had watched so few episodes this season that I stopped DVRing the series and deleted the episodes I had recorded but hadn't watched yet.
My essay "In Country: Place and Historical Connection in Magnum PI", about the importance of the Honolulu/Vietnam connection in the show: ... 850#p57850

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#67 Post by perfectlykevin »

Good way to put it. The original series left the characters and quirks put into them so well defined that it makes a reboot a very difficult prospect. I try as hard as possible to imagine this group is just a mirror universe/alternate universe of our original Magnum played by Mr. Selleck. The quirks aren't there, the banter isn't there like the original but it is still a different way.

I also find myself not hurrying to watch the new series as soon as it comes out, I often would wait a few weeks to catch up.

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#68 Post by 308GUY »

T.Q. wrote: Guess that’s the debate.

You can slap a Ferrari prancing horse on a Pontiac Fiero but it does not make the Pontiac Fiero a Ferrari.


You are right....doesn't make it a Ferrari. BUT...if you just love the lines and look of the car...does it matter?
Here's a pic of a friends "Stinger" kit car with a Fiero as the base:

It has a Corvette engine and looks as good as a 308 (IMHO) and is much easier/cheaper to maintain and repair.

You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig.

A lot of us like the memorabilia from the show...the shirts...the shoes....the rings...the watches...but anything you can buy..INCLUDING an actual Ferrari 308, a Rolex, a gold ring, etc. are all "fake"...aren't they? I mean they are NOT the ones used in the show...right? We are just "paying homage" acting...if it's not the "original"'s no good....right? I mean how far does one take this "comparison" mindset.

I LOVE the original show...and all the guys...I have as many of TS's movies that I can find, and a lot of other "stuff" that reminds me of the show. Any of us would probably like to BE TS or TM...but it's ALL fantasy...right? It's commercial television.

Not really any "point" to this post...just the Fiero comment got me thinking...and I used to say things like that when I first saw "kits" being done back in the 60's. Back then the VW bug was a common platform for doing fiberglass "replicars"...I always said..." LOOKS like a Cobra..or an MG or whatever...but it's still a Volkswagen!"LOL :lol:

I've done my share of running down the new show as well....but I don't see the point of trying to trash it just because it exists and is NOT what we might like it to be.

I'm sure it would have met with a certain amount of disapproval no matter what it was or how it was done or who did it...just because it's NOT the original.

Ok...going back under my rock now. :geek:
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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#69 Post by perfectlykevin »

308GUY wrote:
T.Q. wrote: Guess that’s the debate.

You can slap a Ferrari prancing horse on a Pontiac Fiero but it does not make the Pontiac Fiero a Ferrari.


You are right....doesn't make it a Ferrari. BUT...if you just love the lines and look of the car...does it matter?
Here's a pic of a friends "Stinger" kit car with a Fiero as the base:

It has a Corvette engine and looks as good as a 308 (IMHO) and is much easier/cheaper to maintain and repair.

You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig.

A lot of us like the memorabilia from the show...the shirts...the shoes....the rings...the watches...but anything you can buy..INCLUDING an actual Ferrari 308, a Rolex, a gold ring, etc. are all "fake"...aren't they? I mean they are NOT the ones used in the show...right? We are just "paying homage" acting...if it's not the "original"'s no good....right? I mean how far does one take this "comparison" mindset.

I LOVE the original show...and all the guys...I have as many of TS's movies that I can find, and a lot of other "stuff" that reminds me of the show. Any of us would probably like to BE TS or TM...but it's ALL fantasy...right? It's commercial television.

Not really any "point" to this post...just the Fiero comment got me thinking...and I used to say things like that when I first saw "kits" being done back in the 60's. Back then the VW bug was a common platform for doing fiberglass "replicars"...I always said..." LOOKS like a Cobra..or an MG or whatever...but it's still a Volkswagen!"LOL :lol:

I've done my share of running down the new show as well....but I don't see the point of trying to trash it just because it exists and is NOT what we might like it to be.

I'm sure it would have met with a certain amount of disapproval no matter what it was or how it was done or who did it...just because it's NOT the original.

Ok...going back under my rock now. :geek:
I know this is an aside to the point you made, but a Corvette engine on a Fiero frame??? Holy cow! Kinda like strapping a Saturn rocket to go-cart right? :o

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#70 Post by T.Q. »

308GUY wrote:
T.Q. wrote: Guess that’s the debate.

You can slap a Ferrari prancing horse on a Pontiac Fiero but it does not make the Pontiac Fiero a Ferrari.

You are right....doesn't make it a Ferrari. BUT...if you just love the lines and look of the car...does it matter?
Here's a pic of a friends "Stinger" kit car with a Fiero as the base:

It has a Corvette engine and looks as good as a 308 (IMHO) and is much easier/cheaper to maintain and repair.

You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig.

A lot of us like the memorabilia from the show...the shirts...the shoes....the rings...the watches...but anything you can buy..INCLUDING an actual Ferrari 308, a Rolex, a gold ring, etc. are all "fake"...aren't they? I mean they are NOT the ones used in the show...right? We are just "paying homage" acting...if it's not the "original"'s no good....right? I mean how far does one take this "comparison" mindset.

I LOVE the original show...and all the guys...I have as many of TS's movies that I can find, and a lot of other "stuff" that reminds me of the show. Any of us would probably like to BE TS or TM...but it's ALL fantasy...right? It's commercial television.

Not really any "point" to this post...just the Fiero comment got me thinking...and I used to say things like that when I first saw "kits" being done back in the 60's. Back then the VW bug was a common platform for doing fiberglass "replicars"...I always said..." LOOKS like a Cobra..or an MG or whatever...but it's still a Volkswagen!"LOL :lol:

I've done my share of running down the new show as well....but I don't see the point of trying to trash it just because it exists and is NOT what we might like it to be.

I'm sure it would have met with a certain amount of disapproval no matter what it was or how it was done or who did it...just because it's NOT the original.

Ok...going back under my rock now. :geek:
Interesting point.

Considering I get mocked and ribbed endlessly around town that my Mustang GT 5.0 is an automatic (wife was sick of stick when we lived in busy city/traffic) I can't even imagine the grief driving a fake Ferrari around though.

Knocking my rubber chicken or my sloppy habits is within the rules, but you're attacking my character. I would like to think you don't mean that.

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#71 Post by Laohu »

308GUY wrote:
T.Q. wrote: Guess that’s the debate.

You can slap a Ferrari prancing horse on a Pontiac Fiero but it does not make the Pontiac Fiero a Ferrari.


You are right....doesn't make it a Ferrari. BUT...if you just love the lines and look of the car...does it matter?
Here's a pic of a friends "Stinger" kit car with a Fiero as the base:

It has a Corvette engine and looks as good as a 308 (IMHO) and is much easier/cheaper to maintain and repair.

You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig.

A lot of us like the memorabilia from the show...the shirts...the shoes....the rings...the watches...but anything you can buy..INCLUDING an actual Ferrari 308, a Rolex, a gold ring, etc. are all "fake"...aren't they? I mean they are NOT the ones used in the show...right? We are just "paying homage" acting...if it's not the "original"'s no good....right? I mean how far does one take this "comparison" mindset.

I LOVE the original show...and all the guys...I have as many of TS's movies that I can find, and a lot of other "stuff" that reminds me of the show. Any of us would probably like to BE TS or TM...but it's ALL fantasy...right? It's commercial television.

Not really any "point" to this post...just the Fiero comment got me thinking...and I used to say things like that when I first saw "kits" being done back in the 60's. Back then the VW bug was a common platform for doing fiberglass "replicars"...I always said..." LOOKS like a Cobra..or an MG or whatever...but it's still a Volkswagen!"LOL :lol:

I've done my share of running down the new show as well....but I don't see the point of trying to trash it just because it exists and is NOT what we might like it to be.

I'm sure it would have met with a certain amount of disapproval no matter what it was or how it was done or who did it...just because it's NOT the original.

Ok...going back under my rock now. :geek:
Years ago I went to the air and space museum in Washington D.C. and they had a lot of the original props from Star Trek . The originals did not look nearly as good as most of the replicas I have seen .
The replicas were made by fans of the show who loved it and spent a lot of time and money crafting what they imaged it was .

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#72 Post by 308GUY »

perfectlykevin wrote: I know this is an aside to the point you made, but a Corvette engine on a Fiero frame??? Holy cow! Kinda like strapping a Saturn rocket to go-cart right? :o

Right you are.....the car (Fiero) weighs around 2800lbs. You put over 350HP in it and you have a 4 wheel crotch rocket!

I would guess, this setup would probably leave an actual 308 in the they weren't all that great performance wise.

"How much IS a Ferrari tuneup......Higgins..... :o " :magnum:

Here's a shot of the engine in the car posted above:

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#73 Post by perfectlykevin »

308GUY wrote:
perfectlykevin wrote: I know this is an aside to the point you made, but a Corvette engine on a Fiero frame??? Holy cow! Kinda like strapping a Saturn rocket to go-cart right? :o

Right you are.....the car (Fiero) weighs around 2800lbs. You put over 350HP in it and you have a 4 wheel crotch rocket!

I would guess, this setup would probably leave an actual 308 in the they weren't all that great performance wise.

"How much IS a Ferrari tuneup......Higgins..... :o " :magnum:

Here's a shot of the engine in the car posted above:


Beautiful! I admittedly know very little about cars but I do admire the engine in this. I think I'd be afraid to drive something so powerful with so little weight to it.

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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#74 Post by Chris109 »

Wow. Talk about doing a 180. Thread started off with hate, then turns around and talks about love (for cars).


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Re: For all the haters of the new show

#75 Post by 308GUY »

Chris109 wrote:Wow. Talk about doing a 180. Thread started off with hate, then turns around and talks about love (for cars).

LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:

"C'mon TC...nothing can go wrong!"

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