The only golf movie I didn't like -- and I KNOW I'm risking expulsion here -- was Caddyshack. Gag me with a spoon!
I loved Tin Cup as well, and still like to watch at least the end of the movie when he is "going for it" on the 18th hole. I'm not even going to comment on that last statement, but I guess Caddyshack is more of a "guy movie" and I do have to say that I am getting tired of hearing "It's in the hole!" at every single Golf Tournament.
By the way Golf, Happy Belated Birthday, mine was last Sunday (turned 54) so I guess we are connected in love of Magnum and Libraism (if that's a word)
Mr. Baseball is a favorite movie of mine also.
It might be because I am such a baseball fan, but mostly it's because of Tom.
Golf and Steve, I just had a birthday also, mine was last Monday.
So hope you both had a great day.
Golf, I really enjoyed your trip, kind of felt like I was there.
Take care everyone
Anyone seen Superdome (1978)? Selleck plays the star quarterback on a Super Bowl-bound football team (although the movie has virtually no football scenes in the entire thing). There's a killer running around. People are being drugged. Ken "The White Shadow" Howard and Donna Mills are in it. The great Van Johnson even makes a brief appearance. And it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen!! Horrible dialog. Glacier-like pacing. Ridiculous plot. Mannequin-esque acting.
Aside from the Pre-MPI Selleck appearance, the only other reason this movie is notable is because it appeared in an early episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in 1989. You can actually watch the entire MST3K episode (which is the entire movie) on YouTube, starting with Part 1 here. Selleck appears sporadically throughout the movie. His best moment can be found in Part 9 (from 9:00 to 10:30). "Magnum Deep Fry"!
It's hard to believe that in two short years he'll go from this to MPI.
SelleckLover wrote:I have a VHS tape of Twelve Mile Road that I bought on eBay. I thought it was a good story and you really get to see TS's dramatic acting chops.
To be honest with you, I don't really remember. One of my rules is I never buy anything Magnum-related on eBay that costs over $10, so I CAN say it was less than $10! (My one exception was my Tom Selleck Hollywood Walk of Fame Commemorative Plate!)
James J. Walters wrote:Anyone seen Superdome (1978)?
It's hard to believe that in two short years he'll go from this to MPI.
LOL...that looks fantastic.
Speaking of classic Selleck, I just picked up Runaway on dvd. I was very excited about this, since it's the first time I had ever seen it on a store shelf. (Sure, I could've ordered it online long ago, but it's always more fun to actually find an elusive dvd in person.)
Thanks, Shermy, for posting that YouTube trailer. Wow, I forgot Gene Simmons was in it! He was pretty good as the bad guy. I also forgot how long the trailers were back then. They practically showed you the whole movie! (Not really, but it seems like it.) I once saw TS in a TV interview and they asked him if he had any memorable kissing scenes. He described the one at the end of this movie, as he remembered it, as challenging and waaaay too long! (Just as an aside, I was really envious of Cynthia Rhodes for a long time...even if it was just a fake movie kiss!!!) :mrgreen:
COMA (brief cameo) (1978)
RUNAWAY (1984)
HER ALIBI (1989)
FOLKS! (1992)
STONE COLD (2005).
My all time favorite Tom selleck movie is 'Runaway'.
I will go see the new Magnum P.I. movie when it finally comes out, but whoever plays Magnum better act their ass off! Tom Selleck IS Thomas Sullivan Magnum forever!!!!!
Okay, boys and girls, guess what I found at the Dollar Tree this morning!!! Well, I'm sure the title of this post gives it away, but Concrete Cowboys was in the DVD section at the Dollar Tree. I got every one I could find, but I found only six. So, anyone who wants one, PM me your address and I'll put it in the mail to you. If demand gets greater than supply, I'll try copying the DVD, so you may get a "homemade" DVD, but at least you can see the movie.
A contribution of $2 to pay for the DVD and postage would be appreciated, but not necessary. However, I leave that up to you.
Of course, everyone may have seen this movie, and I may be the only one who hasn't so I will end up with six DVDs. But look at it this way -- I might have actually paid $6 for the DVD!
I have Concrete Cowboys and it's so bad I think you got robbed, golf! But it is interesting to see him paired up with country western singer Jerry Reed. (!) Just kidding about the being robbed part! I still have this in my collection and I drag it out and watch it on occasion for a good laugh. It appears to me to be a pilot for a series that didn't sell.
Now, wait a minute! I got robbed for a DOLLAR??? Oh, it's that bad? I thought Daughters of Satan was supposed to be the worst, but I actually liked that one, but that was mainly because of the irony of TS' driving a red convertible, living in a gated estate, exotic location, etc. -- the how-many-similar physical circumstances came to pass later in his success in MPI.
Well, maybe "liked" is too strong a word, maybe more I didn't MIND watching it. TS was still interesting to watch, and he was TS/TM, just younger.